Wojciech Brożonowicz
Wojciech Brożonowicz
~1 min read




“Select Case” (“Switch” equivalent in JAVA) statement is used to do some action when condition is true. It is similar to if statement but it is better for cases, when You have to check many conditions (many “ifs” are required).


Below simple and easy example for Select Case in VBA:

Dim dayNumber 
dayNumber = 4    
Select Case dayNumber    
Case 1     
    Debug.Print "Monday" 
Case 2    
    Debug.Print "Tuesday" 
Case 3   
    Debug.Print "Wednesday" 
Case 4     
    Debug.Print "Thursday" 
Case 5    
    Debug.Print "Friday" 
Case 6    
    Debug.Print "Saturday" 
Case 7    
    Debug.Print "Sunday" 
Case Else    
    Debug.Print "Invalid day number" 
End Select