Wojciech Brożonowicz
Wojciech Brożonowicz
3 min read



Next.js - server action example used in client component”

Server actions are performed on server, outside user browser. But We can run them from client component. Example:

  1. Let’s create user client component “LikePost.tsx”
"use client";

import { FC, useCallback } from "react";
import { likePost } from "./actions";

type LikePostProps = { postId: number };

export const LikePost: FC<LikePostProps> = ({ postId }) => {
  const onLike = useCallback(async () => {
    await likePost(postId);
  }, [postId]);

  return (
      <button className="button" onClick={onLike}>
        <img src="/like.png" alt="like+1" height={16} width={16} />
  1. Our action is defined in file “actions.ts” in the same folder:
"use server";

import { fetchClient, generatePostTag, updateClient } from "@/common/clientApi/fetchClient";
import { Post } from "@/types/Posts";
import { revalidatePath, revalidateTag } from "next/cache";

export const likePost = async (postId: number) => {

  const post = await fetchClient<Post>(`http://localhost:3004/posts/${postId}`); // get Post object from API 

  await updateClient("PATCH", `http://localhost:3004/posts/${postId}`, { // send to API path for this object with reactions +1
    reactions: post.reactions + 1,

  revalidateTag(generatePostTag(postId)) // update cached values with specific tag [all values with this tags even on different paths] - so page refresh is automatically done on function likePost call

  // revalidatePath(`/posts/${postId}`) // update cached values on whole path [all values no mettr what tags are but on specific path]- so page refresh is automatically done on function likePost call
  1. In order to revalidate strategy work, fetchClient (function to fetch data) and updateClient (function to post or patch data) need to be updated like this:

File: fetchClient.ts

import { notFound } from "next/navigation";

type FetchClientOptions = {
  // in options client will get revalidate param (sec set for cache)
  revalidate?: number;
  // or use tags to revalidate cached request
  tags?: string[];

export async function fetchClient<P = unknown>( // using Generic <P=unknown> We will be able to use client with all types of data
  url: string,
  options: FetchClientOptions = { revalidate: 10 } //default cache revalidation
) {

  const { revalidate, tags } = options; // destructure - take revalidate number value from options or tags
  const responseData = await fetch(url, { next: { revalidate, tags } }); // use in options revalidate or tags - both props are optional
  if (!responseData.ok && responseData.status === 404) {
    //not found error handling
    throw notFound();
  if (!responseData.ok) {
    throw new Error("Something went wrong when fetching fromM API");
  const data: P = await responseData.json();
  return data;

export async function updateClient(
  method: "POST" | "PATCH" | "PUT", // define type of request: POST-> create, PATCH-> update object by sending only some of his properties, PUT-> pdate object by sending all of his properties
  url: string,
  data: unknown // object do send
) {
  const resp = await fetch(url, {
    body: JSON.stringify(data),
    headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, // define headers - format send ("json"), format expected ("json")
  if (!resp.ok) {
    throw new Error(`Problem with update data, statis code: ${resp.status}`);

// simple function to generate tag string
export function generatePostTag(postId:number) {
  return `post${postId}`
  1. Now We can use all of this on our Page:
import { Post } from "@/types/Posts";
import style from "./post.module.scss";
import { LikePost } from "../LikePost"; //import our Client Component with server action
import { fetchClient, generatePostTag } from "@/common/clientApi/fetchClient";

type PostPageProps = {
  params: {
    postId: string;

// function to fetch post, but with usage of tags
const fetchPost = async (postId: number) => {
  return await fetchClient<Post>(`http://localhost:3004/posts/${+postId}`, {
    tags: [generatePostTag(postId)],

export const generateMetadata = async ({ params }: PostPageProps) => {
  const post = await fetchPost(+params.postId);

  return {
    title: post.title,
    description: `read about ${post.title}`,

const PostPage = async ({ params }: PostPageProps) => {
  const post = await fetchPost(+params.postId);
  return (
      <h1>Post {params.postId}</h1>
      {post.tags && post.tags.length > 0 && (
        <div className={style.tags}>
          {post.tags.map((tag) => (
            <em key={tag}>{tag}</em>
      <div className={style.likes}>Likes: {post.reactions}</div>
      <LikePost postId={post.id} /> 

export default PostPage;

That’s all!

*INFO: This post is my notes based on Udemy course (“Nextjs 14 od podstaw”) by Jarosław Juszkiewicz