Wojciech Brożonowicz
Wojciech Brożonowicz
1 min read



Next.js - fetch client and encodeURIComponent function

Let’s delegate fetch from api functionality to separate function:

  • file: “src/common/clientApi/fetchClient.ts”

In file We will define and export function, that We will use in all other componnets to fetch data from API:

import { notFound } from "next/navigation";

type FetchClientOptions = {
  // in options client will get revalidate param (sec set for cache)
  revalidate: number;

export async function fetchClient<P = unknown>( // using Generic <P=unknown> We will be able to use client with all types of data
  url: string,
  options: FetchClientOptions = { revalidate: 10 } // default value for revalidate is 10
) {
  const { revalidate } = options; // destructure - take number value from options
  const responseData = await fetch(url, { next: { revalidate } });

  if (!responseData.ok && responseData.status === 404) {
    //not found error handling
    throw notFound();
  if (!responseData.ok) {
    throw new Error("Something went wrong when fetching fromM API");
  const data: P = await responseData.json();
  return data;

OK, now We can use it this way (after import this function):

// get array of objects of type "Posts" (Post[]) from API
const posts = await fetchClient<Posts>('url_to_posts',{revalidate:5})

// get single object of type "Post" in separate function:
const fetchPost = async (postId:number) =>{`url_to_posts${postId}`
  return await fetchClient<Post>()

If We need to pass to url name with “/” inside We have to use function encodeURIComponent. If not browser will use it as route not name:


type content ={

let nameWithSlash = "good/bad"
const content = await fetchClient<content>(`url_${encodeURIComponent(nameWithSlash)}`)

That’s all!

*INFO: This post is my notes based on Udemy course (“Nextjs 14 od podstaw”) by Jarosław Juszkiewicz