Wojciech Brożonowicz
Wojciech Brożonowicz
~1 min read



Typescript basics - decorators

Decorators can be used to add some functionality by annotate class or method.

For example:

  • decorator @addID will ad id property to class
  • decorator @minVal will check if age is more or equal to 0

// decorators declaration
function addID<T extends { new (...args: any[]): {}}>(classToDecorate: T) {
  returb class extends classToDecorate {
    id: number;
    constructor(...args: any[]){
      this.id = Math.random();

function minValue(value: number) {
  return function(    
    target: Object,
    property: string,
    descriptor: PropertyDescriptor){
    const inputFunction = descriptor.value; // decorated original function
    const returnedFunction = function(this: Object, ...any[]){
      console.log("before function execution...);
      if (args.some((ageVal) => ageVal < value )){
        return console.log("Age can not be smaller than 0!");
      inputFunction.apply(this, args);
      console.log("after function execution...);

// class to decorate with id
class Person {
  public age: number, 
  private firstName: string,  
  private lastName: string, 
  public country: string, 

public changeName(newName: string){ 
this.firstName = newName;

// decorated method
public changeAge(newAge: number){ 
this.age = newAge;

private logName(){ 


// usage
const person = new Person(32,'Joe', 'Doe', 'USA'); // this object will have random id added automatically by decorator

person.setAge(-3) // will not set age and log info

That’s all!