Wojciech Brożonowicz
Wojciech Brożonowicz
~1 min read



Deployment of React App on Github Pages with React Router

On Hithub We can publish our app for free! How to do this:

  • install github pages in our project:

“npm install –save gh-pages”

  • add property homepage to package.json (get homepage from Your Github repo - has to be public, url will be in settings) f.e:\

” “homepage”: “https://yorghname.github.io/reponame/” “

  • add scripts in srcipts section : “predeploy” and “deploy” in package.json

    “predeploy” : “npm run build”, “deploy: “gh-pages -d build”,

  • use command “npm run deploy” to publish Your app!


  • if app use router, We have to add basename path, so routes will be working correctly. To do this add:

“<Router basename={process.env.PUBLIC_URL}>”

That’s all!